martes, 14 de junio de 2011

My favourite TV programme

My favourite TV programme is the spanish series "El Barco".
I like el barco because the stories in the programme are great.
I also think that it´s esciting.
In the series, El barco , the end of the world, there  are some people who are in the boat  and they try to find some land where they could live, the stourly tels what is happening in the boat. Tn my opinion, the best character is Ainoha.


Pablo likes playing sport. He often plays rugby.
Ana likes eating pizza. She sometimes eats pizza.
Alba likes playing sport. She sometimes plays football.
Sonia enjoy going to the cinema. She often go to the cinema
Luca loves listening to music. He always listens to music.
André doesn´t mind doing his homework. He usually does his homawork.
Thiago hates eating cheese. He never eats cheese.
Mati doesn´t like driving on the left. He sometimes driving on the left.
Alegra loves going to shopping. She sometimes go to shopping.
Claudia  enjoys reading books. She always reads to book

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

¿Cóm estalviar aigua?

1 - Quan et llaves les dents, utilitza un got. No deixes l'aixeta oberta

2 - No uses el vàter com a poal de fem, col·loca una paperera. Estalviaràs de 6 a 12 litres cada vegada.

3 - Tanca lleument la clau de pas de vivenda, no apreciaràs la diferència i estalviaràs una gran quantitat d'aigua diàriament.

4 - Utilitza la llavadora i el llavaplats amb la càrrega completa i el programa adequat. Quan lavas a mà consumixes un 40% més d'aigua.

5 - Dutxa't en compte de banyar-te i tanca l'aixeta mentres t'ensabones. Estalviaràs un mitja de 150 litres cada vegada.

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

What I´ve done in my life up until now...!!

I live in Javea.
I´ve learnt  to speak Nederlands.
I´ve traveled to Nederland , Madrid , Ventamina (Bunyol)...
I haven´t been to Gran Bretain.
My parents haven´t flown to the Nederlands

I´ve seen Spain as the football World Champion.
I haven´t broken my leg.
My sister hasn´t  climbed Montgó.
I have never play golf.
My sister and I have seen some famous people , such Matias Prats and Joseph.

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

jueves, 20 de enero de 2011



 These christmas holidays...

I will decorate the Christmas tree.
(yo decoraré el arbol de navidad)

I´m having diner with my family.

(Yo cenaré con mi familia)